Woke Capitalism

What to know: Under pressure from U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, the Intuit corporation has reversed its decision to ban gun companies from using its services.

The TPPF take: Woke capitalism—taking the form of ESG (environmental, social and governance) rules—is a scam that takes aim at industries the woke left doesn’t like. 

“The ESG movement typically targets industries deemed politically incorrect, including fossil fuel exploration and production, as well as firearm manufacturing and selling,” says TPPF’s Greg Sindelar. “ESG policies can also lead to criminal collusion between investment firms—which are supposed to be competitors.”

For more on ESG principles, click here.

No Juice

What to know: Ford has suddenly halted its massive battery project for electric vehicles, just as Republicans are asking questions about the project’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

The TPPF take: China has weaponized the left’s climate dreams—against us.

“In one decade, 2010 to 2020, China’s coal-fired electricity generation rose roughly 57 percent, with China consuming more than half of the world’s coal,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “But the brilliance of China’s energy strategy is how the CCP has cloaked its efforts in a cape of green, allowing U.S. climate czar John Kerry and his court to remain blissfully blind to its military utility.”

For more on China, click here.

Be On the Lookout for a Charging Station

What to know: Eanes ISD had plans to convert its police department to electric vehicles.

The TPPF take: Aren’t educrats all pleading poverty lately?

“In an economy that is suffering from inflation where it is becoming more difficult to purchase a home, how can a school district justify spending nearly half a million dollars on unnecessarily lavish squad cars?” asks TPPF’s John Bonura. “Eanes has since tabled the proposal, for now, but it is indicative of a larger problem throughout the state.”

For more on school district spending, click here.