Woke Math

What to know: In California, which has already adopted a woke math curriculum, officials are considering dropping some of the “harder” math requirements, such as algebra. The goal, they say, is to promote equity.

The TPPF take: Critical race theory is behind the “equity” movement in education (including math), which discards the equality that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. advocated.

“The logical outcome of these progressive policies won’t be the world King dreamed of — where ‘the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood,’” says TPPF’s Richard Johnson. “It will instead be a dystopia not far removed from the reality that so deeply disappointed King, with segregation that is at once educational, societal and economic.”

For more on CRT and Segregation, click here.

Second Thoughts

What to know: The city of Dallas is rethinking its plan to ban gas-powered lawn equipment thanks to a new state law that will go into effect in September.

The TPPF take: Good.

“Cities have no business telling Texans what lawn equipment they can or cannot use. State lawmakers were right to tell cities to knock it off,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “Unfortunately, many municipalities today seem insistent on meddling in everything, which means liberty-minded legislators will need to remain vigilant and be ready to pass preemption legislation when freedom requires it. In this way, conservatives can use preemption to prevent the California-zation of Texas.”

For more on the preemption legislation, click here.

Union Blues

What to know: At its annual meeting, the nation’s largest teachers’ union, the National Education Association, pushed a radical agenda that even most teachers object to, one such teacher writes.

The TPPF take: Parents and elected officials should ignore the teachers’ unions; they’re not in it for the kids.

“Teachers’ unions are fighting charter school expansion too, just like they fought to keep schools closed during the pandemic and they tried to block A-F school ratings in Texas,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “They also oppose increasing transparency in schools and expanding parent empowerment and increasing parental choice. Clearly, their track record is no good when it comes to our children.”

For more on the teachers’ union, click here.