Yeah, That’s Not for ‘Zorro’

What to know: A San Marcos couple, with the help of TPPF, is suing the city’s historical preservation board over a “Z” on their home, which was put there by a former resident who was affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan. The couple wants to remove the “Z” from their home.

The TPPF take: The Constitution says cities like San Marcos can’t force property owners to keep unwanted objects on their property.

“A fundamental aspect of home ownership is being able to decide what is on your property and what isn’t, says TPPF’s Christian Townsend. “But in San Marcos, a group unelected bureaucrats are forcing our clients to keep something they don’t want on their property without providing them any compensation, simply because the government likes the way it looks. That’s beyond the scope of cities’ power in Texas, and it’s unconstitutional.”

For more on the San Marcos case, watch this.


What to know: China’s latest ploy is counterfeit U.S. postage stamps. Just one arrest shut down an operation that alone cost the U.S. Postal Service more than $60 million.

The TPPF take: It’s not just about the stamps.

“Counterfeiting currency, bonds, or other government paper of value is a form of warfare,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “The British printed Continental paper dollars to undermine the American economy during the Revolutionary War. The Union encouraged counterfeiting against the Confederacy during the Civil War. And North Korea has been known for passing fake $100 Federal Reserve notes (Supernotes).”

For more on China and counterfeit stamps, click here.

Hearing about Parent Empowerment 

What to know: Texas lawmakers held a hearing on Wednesday on parent empowerment. It could serve as the outline for school choice efforts in an upcoming special session.

The TPPF take: TPPF’s Michael Barba testified in that hearing.

“Rural Texas has a lot to offer, but workforce readiness and educational opportunities are a struggle,” Michael told legislators. “As a result, 157 of our counties have a declining school-age population. But we can save the heartland of Texas through parent empowerment.”

For more on parent empowerment, click here.