The Honorable Chuck DeVore

Chuck DeVore is the vice president of national initiatives at the Foundation. He writes about the economy and how energy, tax and regulatory policies influence general prosperity, and he frequently appears on Fox News. He also guides the Foundation’s growing national work in criminal justice reform. He authored the book The Texas Model: Prosperity in the Lone Star State and Lessons for America.

Energy & Environment

Gavin Newsom Is Determined To Have The Highest Gas Prices In The Country

There was a remarkable back and forth recently between Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo and California Gov. Gavin Newsom over California’s culpability for high gasoline prices on the West Coast. Lombardo sent Newsom a letter expressing concern over yet another California tax on energy, 2023’s SB X1-2 (the unartfully named California Gas Price Gouging and Transparency Law) and its spillover effects on Nevada, which gets...

June 14, 2024
Foreign Policy

Biden’s mental decline jeopardizes national security. Democrats have one card left to play

President Woodrow Wilson had similar health issues to Biden while in office and that undermined national security. President Joe Biden is in serious mental decline, from the “perpetual state of confusion” displayed on his trip to France, to Washington insiders reporting that the president has performed poorly in meetings, the president’s cognitive impairment raises serious...

June 11, 2024
Foreign Policy

Did America’s Foreign Policy Missteps Push Russia Into China’s Arms? The Answer Isn’t So Clear

There’s a lot to unpack in Erik Prince’s sprawling 4,600-word May 2 opinion piece in the Daily Caller entitled, “Neocons Almost Killed America. Here’s How Patriots Can Fix It.”–so much so that it required two responses to adequately discuss. Part one discussed Prince’s largely correct critique of America’s post-Cold War foreign policy failures and the...

May 28, 2024

More Chinese Nationals Illegally Entered The U.S. In Two Days This Month Than In All Of 2021

The implications are not just limited to espionage but extend to the potential for creating societal disruptions and furthering the CCP’s global influence campaign in America. President Joe Biden has completely abandoned U.S. border security. Of the some 10 million people who have illegally entered America under Biden’s unwatchful reign, a particularly alarming threat has...

May 16, 2024