Energy & Environment

With Or Without Climate Change, California Will Burn, The Only Question Is: How Much?

California is blessed—and cursed—with a Mediterranean climate. The Golden State features long stretches of dry, low-humidity weather, with infrequent thunderstorms (except in its desert regions). Most of the state’s precipitation falls during the winter months. Before the first big late-year Pacific storm, California’s forests and coastal chaparral are often tinder-dry. Richard Henry Dana Jr., in...

October 29, 2019

America’s China blindspot — What ‘responsible’ investors must realize before it is too late

Most Americans would agree that the Chinese Communist Party isn’t a friend of workers’ rights, free speech, or corporate transparency. The challenge is that they rule China and control access to a potentially lucrative market. In the NBA’s case, this dilemma was front and center for the past week after the Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey expressed support for demonstrators in Hong...

October 16, 2019
Criminal Justice

U.S. Violent Crime Rate Down 5%, Showing President Trump’s Combination Of Law And Order And Criminal Justice Reform Go Together, Making America Safer

The FBI released its annual crime report a few days ago, showing the violent crime rate has dropped 4.6% since President Trump took office. Had the violent crime rate in 2018 remained at 2016 levels, almost 58,000 additional murders, rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults would have occurred. The major property crime rate has also continued its steady...

October 10, 2019