Local Government

California’s Homeless Problem Moves Out of the Shadows and Into the Realm of Public Health

According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), California had about 130,000 people without a home in 2018. Oddly, Gavin Newsom, California’s governor and former San Francisco Mayor, laid the homeless problem squarely at the feet of… Texas. PolitiFact rated Gov. Newsom’s claim as “Pants on Fire” and “ridiculous.” So, what is the nature of...

September 13, 2019

Poverty And Affordable Housing – California’s New Rent Control Law Will Make Things Worse

The U.S. Census Bureau issued its annual reports on poverty in America on Sept. 10. Once again, California had the nation’s highest poverty rate, 18.2% over the last three years surveyed, using a measure of poverty that accounts for regional cost differences and a larger array of government welfare and expenses. California’s Supplemental Poverty rate was proportionately...

September 13, 2019