Taxes & Spending

Taxing Text Messages & Electricity – One Way Texas Is Like California: Unelected Officials Can “Tax”

As early as Dec. 20, the Public Utility Commission of Texas may vote to increase electricity costs on consumers by up to $4 billion. Meanwhile, in California, that state’s PUC is considering a “tax” on text messages to the tune of $45 million per year and may even apply the “Public Purpose Program” fee retroactively, raising an additional one-time...

December 12, 2018
Energy & Environment

Trump’s Right About California’s Fires: It Wasn’t Climate Change; Two New California Laws Prove It

California’s politicians, bureaucrats, electric utilities and even celebrities have taken to using “climate change” as a multipurpose excuse for having done nothing to prevent deadly wildfires. Doing nothing, at least nothing effective, has been a central public policy feature in the climate change debate, especially when it comes to wildfires. The facts are clear: California’s deadliest year...

November 27, 2018
Taxes & Spending

California Vs. Texas: Human Flourishing — Comparing The Two States 1 In 5 Americans Call Home

Continuing a series of California and Texas comparisons, this piece examines the two most-populous states’ key wellbeing indicators. More than one in every five Americans calls California or Texas home. For decades, California has been America’s bellwether—if you don’t believe it, just ask Californians. From Hollywood to Silicon Valley to the state’s politicians and public...

November 1, 2018