A Danger to Every American

What to know: The Biden administration’s open border policies have put all Americans in danger, making “every state and community a border town.”

The TPPF take: Border security is national security.

“Lenient policies on border security have empowered transnational criminal organizations to seize control of the border and increase their profits on illegal drug and human trafficking,” says TPPF’s Selene Rodriguez. “If we don’t have operational security over the border, we cannot know everyone that is coming into the U.S. and what their intentions are.”

For more on the border and crime, click here.

Inflating Our Misery

What to know: Runaway inflation continues to grip the American economy, which is bad news for consumers, savers, and people on fixed incomes. The data strongly suggests that Washington D.C. policymakers are going in the wrong direction.

The TPPF take: Unhinged fiscal and monetary policy are driving the nation’s inflation problem.

“Polls show that Washington D.C. policymakers have failed Main Street America, with 6-in-10 now saying they’re ‘triggered’ by trips to the grocery store over soaring prices,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “The nation needs a strong and immediate course correction on fiscal and monetary matters. Absent real and long-lasting change, Americans are in for a world of hurt.”

For more on inflation, click here.

Not in Texas

What to know: The Texas Permanent School Fund has pulled $8.5 billion of assets from investment firm BlackRock, following a state law that requires Texas pensions and endowments to divest their holdings from financial institutions that the Texas Comptroller has deemed are discriminating against American energy producers.

TPPF Take: Financial institutions that force the companies they invest in to comply with the woke climate agenda do not deserve to manage Texas funds.

“The message being sent by Texas and its peers is that companies will not be able to discriminate against American energy producers without facing serious legal and economic repercussions enacted transparently through America’s democratic process,” says TPPF’s Brent Bennett.

For more on BlackRock and ESG, click here.