Electric Vehicles and Electric Illusions

What to know: As Fox News reports, a new study from the Texas Public Policy Foundation unmasks the true cost of electric vehicles.

The TPPF take: Our study, “Overcharged Expectations: Unmasking the True Costs of Electric Vehicles,” shows how regulatory credits, hidden costs, and subsidies disguise the real cost of electric vehicles.

“The Biden administration and leftist states such as California have pushed for widespread electrification in less than 20 years through government subsidies and coercive regulations, but the price you see in the lot is not the true cost of an electric vehicle,” says TPPF’s Jason Isaac. “Electric vehicle owners have been the beneficiaries of regulatory credits, subsidies, and socialized infrastructure costs totaling nearly $50,000 per EV. These costs are borne by gasoline vehicle owners, taxpayers, and utility ratepayers, who are all paying a hefty price for someone else’s EV.”

To read the full study, click here.

A Costly November?

What to know: This November, Texas local governments are asking voters to approve 218 separate bond propositions worth more than $24 billion (principal only). Measures that are approved by voters could lead to substantially higher property tax bills.

The TPPF take: Remember, going further into debt usually means paying higher taxes.

“Voters should recognize that there is a cost to saying ‘Yes’ to government debt. And that cost usually comes in the form of higher property tax bills,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “Before heading to the polls, Texans should be informed and remember the old adage that there’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

For more on local taxes and spending, click here.

Why? Why??

What to know: The self-proclaimed “Sanctuary City” of Chicago just can’t understand why migrants are asking to be bused there.

The TPPF take: So-called “Sanctuary Cities” and states are learning that now, every town is a border town. And Chicago has to deal with just a fraction of what Texas deals with on a daily basis.

“The border crisis is a humanitarian crisis, and the current administration has only made it worse,” says TPPF’s Ken Oliver. “The crisis at our border is no longer just at our border. Criminal organizations are taking advantage of the Biden administration’s stand-down at the border to lure more and more victims, and the effects are felt everywhere in America.”

For more on the border, click here.