Empowering Parents—With Choice
What to know: The Texas House of Representatives has been holding hearings on school choice, ahead of the upcoming legislative session.
The TPPF take: Now is the time to empower Texas parents with real school choice.
“In Texas, our public schools are still assigned based on a child’s address, which are still highly segregated along socio-economic and racial lines,” writes TPPF’s Mandy Drogin. “School choice removes those artificial boundaries and allows parents to make the decision about what is best for their child. School choice breaks down institutional barriers, like zoning, and lifts up the students stuck in bad schools.”
For more on school choice, click here.
The TPPF take: DEI is a failure, and Americans are rejecting it.
“Viewing the world through the DEI ideology requires pronouncing virtually everything that humans have accomplished since time began as the result of white supremacy, racism or colonialism,” says TPPF’s Sherry Sylvester. “It rejects the principles of individual freedom and autonomy, science, research, advancement, inquiry and discovery. Their worldview is a dark place where everything humans value is proclaimed to be bad and everything human decency condemns as bad is said to be good.”
For more on DEI, click here.
Reasons for Hope
The TPPF take: The facts demonstrate that the “eco-anxiety” young people feel is baseless.
“America has cut harmful air pollution by 78% in the last five decades because of our innovative and efficient use of energy resources—not in spite of it,” says TPPF’s Brent Bennett. “As a result, we are world leaders for clean air, and we are No. 1 for access to clean and safe drinking water. Far from being anxious and stressed, young people should be proud of this country’s achievements and be inspired to build upon those successes.
For more on our improving environment, click here.