It’s the Economy, Stupid

What to know: In Thursday night’s presidential debate, President Joe Biden acknowledged that working families are hurting, but he blamed inflation on the Trump administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and corporate greed.

The TPPF take: Biden’s own policies have exacerbated inflation.

“Thanks to Bidenflation, many American families can’t afford gas, groceries, and rent,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “In fact, since January 2021, the cost of eggs, bread, and gasoline are up 40%. Chicken, vegetables, and electricity have risen by more than 25%. Family budgets are getting destroyed.”

For more on inflation, click here.


What to know: In the debate, President Biden claimed that fewer people are coming across the border than when he left office.

The TPPF take: That’s not what the numbers say.

“Illegal immigration is not decreasing under Biden; he’s just changing how they count the numbers—according to where people are from and how he chooses to allow them in,” says TPPF’s Selene Rodriguez. “People are more incentivized than ever to come to the U.S. because Biden is doing nothing to stop them.”

For more on immigration, click here.


What to know: President Biden also claimed that Trump—and his supporters—simply don’t understand democracy.

The TPPF take: The American republic isn’t threated by the freedoms advocated by Trump.

“Polls show Americans increasingly see Joe Biden as a bigger threat to democracy than Donald Trump,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “The Biden-Trump debate clearly highlighted the ongoing political prosecution of Trump as a means for Biden to harm Trump’s election.”

For more on the election, click here.