Taking the Stage

What to know: The first (and possibly only) presidential debate is scheduled for tonight.

The TPPF take: Americans deserve to hear real questions and answers in tonight’s debate.

“Our coffers and our military stockpiles have been depleted by ongoing wars in the Middle East and in Ukraine,” says TPPF’s Robert Henneke. “At home, the U.S. military is facing a recruiting crisis of historical proportions, driven by woke policies and a dithering commander in chief more concerned with diversity, equity, and inclusion than national security threats.”\

For more on tonight’s debate, click here.

Tax Armageddon 2025

What to know: U.S. Senator Mark Warner wants the next Congress “to use the scheduled expiration of the 2017 tax cuts at the end of 2025 to insist on the largest tax increase in history.” Warner says he expects the coming fight to be tantamount to ‘Tax Armageddon.’

The TPPF take: Why is any policymaker today threatening to unleash the largest tax increase in history?

“Thanks to Bidenomics, many Americans can’t afford gas, groceries, and rent. The last thing those folks need is to pay higher taxes—let alone to be threatened with a Tax Armageddon,” says TPPF’s James Quintero. “U.S. taxpayers don’t need to pay higher taxes. The U.S. government needs to spend less.”

For more on taxes and spending, click here.

Holiday Road

What to know: Gas prices are down ahead of the Fourth of July holiday.

The TPPF take: Except for California, of course. California seems determined to have the highest fuel prices in the nation.

“When California imposes new taxes or regulations on refineries, the costs inevitably flow to consumers,” says TPPF’s Chuck DeVore. “This isn’t just about profits; it’s about the basic mechanics of supply and demand. If refineries close or reduce output due to unmanageable operating costs, supply dwindles, and prices rise. This is not an abstract theory — it’s Economics 101.”

For more on gas prices, click here.