The New Segregation

What to know: The University of California at Berkeley held a segregated graduation ceremony for black students.

The TPPF take: Wokeness threatens to undo everything that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. achieved.

“The just goals he fought for, equal opportunity for all and a color-blind society, have been set aside by modern critical race theorists, in favor of divisive identity politics and collective grievance,” says TPPF’s Richard Johnson. “The logical outcome of these progressive policies won’t be the world King dreamed of. It will instead be a dystopia not far removed from the reality that so deeply disappointed King, with segregation that is at once educational, societal and economic.”

For more on Dr. King’s fight for equality, click here.

Protecting Children

What to know: Montana has passed a law prohibiting minors from having TikTok accounts, but the state’s governor wishes the legislation was even more broad.

The TPPF take: Texas lawmakers must do more to protect children online.

“Academic research and nearly daily tragic stories continue to demonstrate that the harms of social media on children can no longer be ignored by policymakers. Thankfully, Texas lawmakers are responding and elevating this issue as a priority this session,” said TPPF’s Zach Whiting. “TPPF fully supports legislative efforts to better protect children online, including prohibiting social media companies from peddling their addictive products to kids.”

For more on social media, click here.

Rocky Mountain High

What to know: Denver’s mayor is pleading for assistance after just a few hundred illegal immigrants were bused to his “Sanctuary City” by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

The TPPF take: Denver’s mayor is learning that now, every town is a border town.

“The border crisis has evolved into a compounding fiscal, housing and public safety crisis, and the current administration has only made every aspect of it worse,” says TPPF’s Ken Oliver. “The crisis that began at our border certainly doesn’t end there. Its effects are now being felt all across the country.”

For more on the border, click here.