Last Tuesday’s elections were a huge boost for the conservative movement in Texas, as an overwhelming majority of voters rejected the ideas of more spending, higher taxes, and bigger government. But now that the elections are over, the real test begins: turning election-day victories into public policy wins.
To help members of the incoming Legislature in these efforts, the Texas Public Policy Foundation stands ready to provide the intellectual ammunition that will limit the footprint of government and unleash private sector innovation. A few of these ideas:
– Refuse any tax increases;- Cut government spending; – Strengthen the state’s constitutional expenditure limit; – Repeal or streamline all unnecessary regulations; and – Protect the Rainy Day fund balance.
It is not enough that conservatives won the recent election-now we must ensure that our policies are put into practice. Only then can we be sure that prosperity and abundance are here to stay in Texas.
– Talmadge Heflin